Pezzo concertato per Violoncello and Orchestra

Recordings from YouTube:
Pezzo concertato per violincello e orchestra
Other Information:
Date of Com­pos­i­tion: 1975
Dur­a­tion: 15 mins
(One-move­ment work)

World premiere: 1975 TRIESTE,
Per­formed by the Or­ches­tra de Theatro Gi­useppe Verdi
So­loist: Csaba On­czay
Con­duc­ted by Maur­izio Arena.

First prize win­ner of the Com­poser Award 1975 Trieste
Orch.: 3 Fl (2-3 Picc), 2 Ob ((E.H.) 3 Cl. ((Cl.B.) 2 Bsn (2 D.Bsn) 4-3-3-1 Per. Harp, Cel.
Add. performances:
Milano, Bologna, Modena (1979)
Graz (1979) Zürich (1982)
Marosvásárhely (1977)
Budapest (1977)
Publisher: EMB
Recorded: Hungaroton SLPX, HCD